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Our Story

It all started with a butterfly...

In the fall of 2017 my kids brought in a chrysalis with the carrot harvest. Deciding to keep it in the house, we attached it to a branch and left it on the windowsill. Dont you know, that butterfly hatched in March! The whole family was delighted and proceeded to build a perfect butterfly habitat. As a special treat we headed to the garden center for some living flowers to place in the cage. Imagine our devastation when that butterfly happily landed on our flowers, went into seizure spasms and died in front of our eyes. The culprit? Neonicotinoids. You can read more about them here: and here:

After more than 10 years of growing abundant vegetable gardens, we are still frustrated with the lack of organic plants, and organic support. Our questions and requests at various centers were invariably scoffed at and shrugged off. Most vegetable transplants are outsourced from major greenhouses in southern Ontario and the USA. Seeds and soils are generally treated with fungicides and insecticides, and usually drenched or sprayed as well.

Which led to the creation of this website, and the beginnings of a dream. I wish I could tell you that we are a huge company, and able to invite you to our million dollar greenhouses, with scrubbed floors and thousands of organic plants but we will slowly get there. From the rawest bootstrap beginning in 2021, we will share access to the best certified organic products. 

Our mission is to provide resources and products for anyone and everyone interested in growing their own food organically. From seed to soil, to best practices, we are here to help. 


And if you like what you see, and want to help in return, please contact us to see what you can do. 


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